Translators and the Making of History: Gertrude Stein’s Paradoxical Relationship to France 1 de dec. de 2015

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Translators and the Making of History: Gertrude Stein’s Paradoxical Relationship to France

The talk delves into a particular case study, that of writer Gertrude Stein, for whom the act of translation is related to a paradoxical relationship to France and the French language. Despite her notoriety as an avant-garde writer and supporter of modern art, Stein, the translator was moulded by the events she experienced. To use the words of Martin Luther King, she was among those who were ‘made by history’, as opposed to other translators who could more accurately be described as ‘makers of history’.

Presenta: Teresa Caneda Cabrera
Profesora Titular del Dpto. de Filoloxía Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana e Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Investigación NETEC, Universidade de Vigo
Judith Woodsworth
Professor of French, Concordia University