Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice

Salón de Graos, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución - Campus de Vigo (As Lagoas, Marcosende)

Meaning as Choice

25 de feb. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  51' 06''  |  Visto: 516 veces
Lise Fontaine
PhD (Cardiff University) Senior Lecturer

Interpersonal meanings with particular reference to getting people to do things

25 de feb. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  70' 58''  |  Visto: 490 veces
Lise Fontaine
PhD (Cardiff University) Senior Lecturer

Textual meanings with particular reference to thematic options and success in writing

25 de feb. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  63' 49''  |  Visto: 517 veces
Lise Fontaine
PhD (Cardiff University) Senior Lecturer

Experiential meanings with particular reference to participants and processes

25 de feb. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  65' 58''  |  Visto: 495 veces
Lise Fontaine
PhD (Cardiff University) Senior Lecturer

Subject as hub of meaning: doing SFL

25 de feb. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  24' 12''  |  Visto: 541 veces
Lise Fontaine
PhD (Cardiff University) Senior Lecturer