I Internatonal Symposium on Advances in Marine Mussel Research

Aquaculture experts presented the situation of the mussels sector

Salon de actos, Facultade de Bioloxia - Campus de Vigo (Lagoas, Marcosende)

I International Symposium on Advances in Marine Mussel Research

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (6' 41'')  |  Visto: 840 veces
Presenta: Ángel Pérez Diz
Bioloxía Molecular, Xenética, y Biotecnoloxía, Universidade de Vigo
Presenta: Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia
Reitor, Universidade de Vigo

Presentation of the ECIMAT marine station (University of Vigo)

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  12' 33''  |  Visto: 538 veces
Presenta: Antonio Villanueva
Licenciado en Ciencias do Mar pola Universidade de Vigo Técnico Superior en Producción Acuícola (I.Ga.F.A), Xestor da ECIMAT. Responsable da UnidadE de CalidadE Ambiental da ECIMAT

Talk David SKIBINSKI. Structure related differences between proteins in a stable heteroplasmic mitochondrial system in bivalves

Structure related differences between proteins in a stable heteroplasmic mitochondrial system in bivalves

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  33' 35''  |  Visto: 446 veces
David Skibinski
Professor / Evolutionary Biology, Swansea University Medical School, UK

Structure related differences between proteins in a stable heteroplasmic mitochondrial system in bivalves

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (3' 28'')  |  Visto: 732 veces
David Skibinski
Professor / Evolutionary Biology, Swansea University Medical School, UK

Talk Antonio FIGUERAS. Mytilus galloprovincialis: Diseases and genomic research

Mytilus galloprovincialis: Diseases and genomic research

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  34' 43''  |  Visto: 482 veces
Antonio Figueras Huerta
Ductor en Bioloxía, Profesor de Investigación, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Mytilus galloprovincialis: Diseases and genomic research

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (2' 42'')  |  Visto: 837 veces
Antonio Figueras Huerta
Ductor en Bioloxía, Profesor de Investigación, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Talk Nicolas BIERNE The history of divergence and secondary introgression in the Mytilus edulis complex of species

The history of divergence and secondary introgression in the Mytilus edulis complex of species

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  42' 14''  |  Visto: 624 veces
Nicolas Bierne
Spéciation, Évolution et Adaptation en milieu marin, CNRS research director

The history of divergence and secondary introgression in the Mytilus edulis complex of species

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  12' 11''  |  Visto: 438 veces
Nicolas Bierne
Spéciation, Évolution et Adaptation en milieu marin, CNRS research director

Talk Beatriz NOVOA The immune response of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

The immune response of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  28' 35''  |  Visto: 557 veces
Beatriz Novoa García
(PhD) en Biología. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, CSIC

The immune response of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (10' 12'')  |  Visto: 777 veces
Beatriz Novoa García
(PhD) en Biología. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, CSIC

Talk Antonio VILLALBA Transmission of independent cancer lineages within bivalve molluscs in Galicia

Transmission of independent cancer lineages within bivalve molluscs in Galicia

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  45' 55''  |  Visto: 544 veces
Antonio Villalba García
Centro de Investigaciones Marinas (CIMA) de Corón (CIMA), Consellería do Mar-Xunta Galicia

Transmission of independent cancer lineages within bivalve molluscs in Galicia

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  12' 01''  |  Visto: 510 veces
Antonio Villalba García
Centro de Investigaciones Marinas (CIMA) de Corón (CIMA), Consellería do Mar-Xunta Galicia

Talk Ibon CANCIO Mussels, toxicogenomics and environmental health

Mussels, toxicogenomics and environmental health

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  48' 31''  |  Visto: 547 veces
Ibon Cancio Uriarte
Associate Professor in Cell Biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Researcher of the Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology (CBET) research group and the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE)

Mussels, toxicogenomics and environmental health

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (2' 50'')  |  Visto: 809 veces
Ibon Cancio Uriarte
Associate Professor in Cell Biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Researcher of the Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology (CBET) research group and the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE)

Talk Carlos CANCHAYA Insights into the genome of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

Insights into the genome of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  29' 20''  |  Visto: 548 veces
Carlos A. Canchaya
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology Faculty of Biology, University of Vigo

Insights into the genome of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  3' 09''  |  Visto: 470 veces
Carlos A. Canchaya
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology Faculty of Biology, University of Vigo

Five selected 10 min talks from participants

Prediction of an heterozygous advantage in F2s by Fisher's geometric model an comparison to experimental and wild crosses in mussels

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  11' 43''  |  Visto: 495 veces
Alexis Simon
Phd student. Institut des sciences del'evolution -Montpellier ISEM, Université de Montpellier

A bacterial suspect implicated in M. edulis mortalities in France?

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  13' 29''  |  Visto: 542 veces
Marie-Agnès Travers
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France Join institution

A bacterial suspect implicated in M. edulis mortalities in France?

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (5' 36'')  |  Visto: 736 veces
Marie-Agnès Travers
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France Join institution

Is the expression of specific mitochondrial OFRs involved in sex determination and mitochondrial inheritance in Mytilus?

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  14' 11''  |  Visto: 559 veces
Artur Burzynski
professor Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland

Mussels, The Adriatic side of the story. Part 1

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  16' 24''  |  Visto: 509 veces
Paola Venier
Dipartimento di Biologia, University of Padova

Mussels, The Adriatic side of the story. Part 2

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  10' 20''  |  Visto: 533 veces
Marco Gerdol
Marine Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Università degli Studi di Trieste Trieste, Italy

Mussels, The Adriatic side of the story. Part 1 and Part 2

26 de out. de 2016
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (12' 46'')  |  Visto: 765 veces
Marco Gerdol
Marine Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Università degli Studi di Trieste Trieste, Italy
Paola Venier
Dipartimento di Biologia, University of Padova