Avances en LC/MS/MS para dar resposta aos desafíos en acuicultura
Durante a cita afondarase no eido das analíticas de alta resolución para determinar, entre outros, contaminantes, residuos e biotoxinas en distintas etapas da produción acuícola.
Salón de actos, Edificio Politécnico - Campus de Ourense
Photodegradation study of different classes of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment: non-target by-product identification by on-line SPE-LC-(QTOF)-HRMS
Photodegradation study of different classes of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment: non-target by-product identification by on-line SPE-LC-(QTOF)-HRMS
30 de maio de 2018
Thierry Dagnac
Agronomic and Agrarian Research Centre (INGACAL-CIAM)