8th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE)

The Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE) is a biennial scientific meeting, born in 2004, which is organized by Economics for Energy with the collaboration of CEPE (ETH Zuric

Hotel Eurostars Isla de A Toxa, A Toxa

Hotel Eurostars Isla de A Toxa, A Toxa

Invited papers

Watt Watchers & The Seesaw of Energy Dieting. Evidence from Low-Income Urban Households

Sebastien Houde joint work with Catherine Wolfram and Mary Zaki
22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  22' 32''  |  Visto: 25 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Sébastien Houde
University of Maryland

Questions. The impact of energy education on low-Income households. Evidence from a randomized encouragement design

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  6' 04''  |  Visto: 15 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Sébastien Houde
University of Maryland

Energy transition with variable and internittent renewable electricity generation.

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  21' 43''  |  Visto: 15 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katheline Schubert
University of Paris 1

Questions. Energy transition with variable and internittent renewable electricity generation.

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  5' 14''  |  Visto: 5 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katheline Schubert
University of Paris 1

Does renewable generation promote local electricity access? Evidence from Indonesia

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  15' 51''  |  Visto: 17 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katherine Baylis
University of Illinois

Questions. Does renewable generation promote local electricity access? Evidence from Indonesia

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  5' 26''  |  Visto: 7 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katherine Baylis
University of Illinois

Efficiency and distributional implications of combining road pricing and driving restrictions

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  23' 40''  |  Visto: 10 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Juan-Pablo Montero
PUC Chile

Questions. Efficiency and distributional implications of combining road pricing and driving restrictions

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  4' 22''  |  Visto: 6 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Juan Pablo Montero
PUC Chile

How consumers trade-off supply security and green electricity. Evidence from Germany and Great Britain

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  13' 49''  |  Visto: 60 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katrin Rehdanz
University of Kiel

Questions. How consumers trade-off supply security and green electricity. Evidence from Germany and Great Britain

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  3' 57''  |  Visto: 26 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Katrin Rehdanz
University of Kiel

Keynote Lecture. Chair: Andreas Loeschel

What drives oil price fluctuations? Revisiting the role of oil supply and demand shocks

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  58' 46''  |  Visto: 545 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Christiane Baumeister
University of Notre Dame

Questions. What drives oil price fluctuations? Revisiting the role of oil supply and demand shocks

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  10' 54''  |  Visto: 72 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Christiane Baumeister
University of Notre Dame

Keynote Lecture. Chair: Jose M. Labeaga

The more things CHANGE: Cycles of Human Activity and Natural Global Ecology

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  64' 17''  |  Visto: 18 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Don Fullerton
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Questions. The more things CHANGE: Cycles of Human Activity and Natural Global Ecology

22 de xuño de 2018
    Vídeo  |  Español  |  14' 32''  |  Visto: 4 veces
Presenta: Xavier Labandeira
Director, Economics for Energy
Don Fullerton
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign