Language at the Bar: Law and the Interpreter in Ireland, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Salón de Actos, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución - Campus de Vigo (As Lagoas, Marcosende)

Presentation of Margaret Kelleher

25 de out. de 2019
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (3' 25'')  |  Visto: 35 veces
M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera
University of Vigo

Language at the Bar: Law and the Interpreter in Ireland, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

25 de out. de 2019
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  |  54' 23''  |  Visto: 86 veces
Margaret Kelleher
Chair of Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama, University College Dublin

Questions. Language at the Bar: Law and the Interpreter in Ireland, Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

25 de out. de 2019
    Vídeo  |  Inglés  (20' 12'')  |  Visto: 16 veces
Margaret Kelleher
Chair of Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama, University College Dublin