Evaluation of vegetation around roads by lIDAR data processing and multispectral images 26 de dec. de 2022
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Evaluation of vegetation around roads by lIDAR data processing and multispectral images
Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Applied Geotechnologies to Construction, Energy and Industry. Doctoral Dissertation: Ana Novo Gómez.
Evaluation of vegetation around roads by lIDAR data processing and multispectral images
Ana Novo
Alumna do Grao en Enxeñería Forestal, Universidade de Vigo
Vídeos da mesma serie
Evaluation of vegetation around roads by lIDAR data processing and multispectral images
Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Applied Geotechnologies to Construction, Energy and Industry. Doctoral Dissertation: Ana Novo Gómez.
26 de dec. de 2022