Multimedia Services - University of Vigo 7 de mar. de 2012

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Multimedia Services - University of Vigo

A finalidade destas xornadas é explicarlles aos socios da Uvigo o que a Universidade está a facer en temas de internacionlización e que eles poidan contar tamén as súas experiencias.Ten un programa organizado en bloques temáticos: redes sociais, a televisión e os medios audiovisuais no ámbito da educación e da promoción das universidades, as estratexias de comunicación nun mundo conectado e as dobres titulacións.

Vicente Goyanes de Miguel
CEO, Teltek Video Research

Vídeos da mesma serie
Training week Opening
Information and Communication Technologies for the international activities developed by the International Office: the EU-ICI experiencie
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5 de mar. de 2012
Evolution of Eutelsat
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6 de mar. de 2012
Presentation of Yaohoui Hamed
An outcome of the ELLEIEC thematic Network in Electrical and Information Engineering
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A European degrees web Portal in the lifelong learning spirit
An outcome of the ELLEIEC thematic Network in Electrical and Information Engineering
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International Curricula Networks
Consortium of international partners for LLL international modules
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Doubles Degrees - Pioneers since 1978
The Franco-German integrated model of Metz-Saarbrücken. A success story
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Double Degree
The case of UNICEF-UCA experience
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One pot on the stove
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8 de mar. de 2012
It´s called Social Media, but it´s not
About the proper use of Social Networks in Higher Education and International University Marketing
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8 de mar. de 2012
International Oficce
The experience of an International Blog for students
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The Story of a Double Degree in Business
Hochsule Bochum and Escola Universitaria de Estudios Empresariais
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9 de mar. de 2012
Chasity before marriage
Double Degree and getting to know your partner before setting up shop together
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9 de mar. de 2012
9 de mar. de 2012