First SIRMA Workshop
Strengthening infrastructure risk management in the Atlantic Area
Paraninfo, Escola de Enxeñería Industrial. Sede Cidade - Conde de Torrecedeira nº86. Vigo
Opening and Welcome
Opening and Welcome
14 de xan. de 2020
Manuel Reigosa Roger
Chancellor, University of Vigo
Pablo Izquierdo Belmonte
Enxeñaría mecánica, máquinas e motores térmicos e fluídos. Escola de Enxeñería Industrial, Universidade de Vigo
Belén Riveiro
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering. Dept. Materials Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Construction, School of Industrial Engineering - University of Vigo
Ana Mejías Sacaluga
Concelleira de I+D e dinamización administrativa, Concello de Vigo
Questions. Bridge maintenance system. Recent experiences in bridge survey and pathologies
14 de xan. de 2020
Sergio Couto Wörner
K2 Ingeniería SL (Spain)