Translation and Poetry in Northern Ireland 15 de feb. de 2010

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Translation and Poetry in Northern Ireland

Professor Rui Carvalho Homem offers an innovative reading of Paul Muldoon's poetry in the context of what he defines as "conglomewriting" and "journeywork". In his lecture he discusses Muldoon's "original writing" from the perspective of the poet's engagement with the poetics of translation. Seeking productive analogies for translation, not as equivalence and orrespondence, but rather as confrontation with unexpected meanings, Carvalho Homem discusses Muldoon's playfulness and the dislocations afforded by the poet's forays into translation, mainly in his linguistic subversiveness through the use of misquotation and ironical plagiarims and in his willingness to explore relations between his writing and artefacts in other media.

Rui Carvalho Homem
Catedrático , Universidade de Porto

Vídeos da mesma serie
15 de feb. de 2010
Question Time
15 de feb. de 2010