The importance of pollinators in crops 15 de feb. de 2022

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The importance of pollinators in crops

This video emphasizes the importance of pollinators as pollination vectors in crops. Agriculture has expanded rapidly over the last decades to meet the demographic expectations of humanity. But this is causing a landscape uniformity with the problems of pests, low productivity and loss of biodiversity that this practice has associated. Paradoxically, this homogenization of the landscape is also affecting the quality of pollination services required by crops. Sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices will undoubtedly result in a benefit for all.

This video is a production of the Agro-Food Research and Transfer Cluster of Campus da Auga (CITACA), funded by the Consellería de Educación, Universidad y Formación Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia, and has been supported also by LIFE4Pollinators (LIFE18 GIE/IT/000755), CYTED 417RT0527 and CYTED 418RT0555 projects.

Universidade de Vigo

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