Quenda de preguntas. A Colección do Banco Español de Algas como ferramenta para a conservación da biodiversidade e o desenvolvemento da investigación no sector da biotecnoloxía azul 14 de xuño de 2022

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Quenda de preguntas. A Colección do Banco Español de Algas como ferramenta para a conservación da biodiversidade e o desenvolvemento da investigación no sector da biotecnoloxía azul

CITHAL is a series of international conferences organized by the Iberoamerican Society of Thalassotherapy.

The CITHAL conferences, initiated in 2015, cover all major fields of thalassotherapy and seawater from therapeutic indications, physico-chemical properties to state-of-the-art applications.

These conferences are intended to bring together the international community, thereby evolving into a key event with international reputation in the field.

The University of Vigo and the organizers of this conference are delighted and honoured to host this CITHAL conference in Vigo, during the 13th-17th June of 2022.

Juan Luis Gómez Pinchetti
Profesor Titular da ULPGC
Modera: Carmen Gómez Pérez
Grupo de investigación Física Aplicada 2, Universidade de Vigo

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