3D Seismic Imaging of Aggradational Channels related to Geostrophic Currents through the Pliocene North Sea Basin 16 de xuño de 2010
3D Seismic Imaging of Aggradational Channels related to Geostrophic Currents through the Pliocene North Sea Basin
A circulación de augas profundas é unha parte crítica do sistema global que regula o clima da Terra. As correntes do fondo, compoñentes desta circulación, son enormemente significativas para dar forma ao fondo mariño, mediante a erosión, transporte e sedimentación. Como resultado, desenvólvense unha gran variedade de sedimentos e trazos erosivos, incluíndo un rango de diferentes fluxos, ondas de sedimentos, fosos, surcos e superficies desgastadas.
O Congreso de Baiona centrarase especificamente nos procesos e os sedimentos relacionados coa circulación de augas do fondo mariño.
Deep-water circulation is a critical part of the global conveyor belt that regulates Earth's climate. The bottom current component of this circulation is hugely significant in shaping the deep seafloor, through erosion, transport and deposition. As a result a great variety of depositional and erosive features are developed, including a range of different drifts, sediment waves, moats, furrows, and abraded surfaces. The Baiona Congress will be focused specifically on processes and deposits related to bottom-water circulation.