STAR Global Conference 2023 UVigo UNESCO chair

Transformative Education for an Interconnected and Equitable World

Onsite Program

Opening session

9 de out. de 2023
Elena de Prada
Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa, Francesa e Alemana , Universidade de Vigo
Maribel del Pozo Triviño
Vicerreitora de Internacionalización, Universidade de Vigo
Krishna Bista
Senior Executive Vice President and Head, STAR Scholars

Training digital entrepreneurs in universities: the challenge of key competences

9 de out. de 2023
Paz Prendes
Universidade de Murcia

Training digital entrepreneurs in universities: the challenge of key competences. Questions

9 de out. de 2023
Paz Prendes
Universidade de Murcia

Chomsky awards ceremony

9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Keith Wright
Director of Cultural Affairs, Chair, A. Noam Chomsky Global Connections Awards Committee
Uttam Gaulee
President, Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR)
Lynn Pasquerella
President, American Association of Colleges and Universities

Research Presentations

Promoting intercultural awareness in a Japanese university english reading class

9 de out. de 2023
Yoko Mori
University of Otago, New Zealand

Overview and trends in Easy Read in Spain today

9 de out. de 2023
Cristina Ascensión López Canabal
Universidade de Vigo, España

Zooming from Palestine and Ohio (USA): lessons from facilitating a virtual intercultural dialogue

9 de out. de 2023
As’ad, Shahd
An-Najah National University

Differences in professional identity of male and female expatriate Teachers in international schools in the Middle East

9 de out. de 2023
Gabriela Mocanu
State University of New York, Potsdam, USA

Online program

Objetivos del convenio Andrés Bello

Room 1
9 de out. de 2023
Delva Odalys Batista Mendieta
Convenio Andrés Bello, Panamá

Universities, AI and the Global Good

Room 2
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Rajani Naidoo
University of Bath, UK

Universities, AI and the Global Good. Questions

Room 2
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Rajani Naidoo
University of Bath, UK

Educación y patrimonio: la experiencia de la red PEA argentina

Room 1: Active methodologies and life-long learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mousumi Mukherjee
O.P. Jindal Global University
Daniela Zallocco
National Commision for UNESCO, Argentina

Developing thinking skills in a global classroom

Room 2: Active methodologies and life-long learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Nela Navarro
Marcela Alejandra Villan
Freelance, Argentina

Developing thinking skills in a global classroom. Questions

Room 2: Active methodologies and life-long learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Nela Navarro
Marcela Alejandra Villan
Freelance, Argentina

Exploring the value of culturally responsive pedagogy in English for Specific Purposes teaching: A case study in a Greek context

Room 1: Diversity for a more inclusive and cohesive society
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Charru Sharma
University of Delhi, India
Ourania Katsara
University of Patras, Greece

The nexus between research and development, higher education and economic growth: a Mauritian perspective

Room 2: Creativity and innovation
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Zameelah Khan Jaffur
University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Digital bill: an approach to minimize illicit activities and other drawbacks of crypto currency

Room 2: Creativity and innovation
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Romel Sharif
Social Science Research Network, Bangladesh

Las Soft Skills y la autoestima y su relación con las variables formativas en el alumnado de orquestas universitarias

Room 2: Creativity and innovation
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Mario Diz
Universidad de Santiago, España

International students' gains in mobility programmes: evidences withdrawn from literature to group discussions

Room 3: AI, machine learning, digital literacy, personalized learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mousumi Mukherjee
O.P. Jindal Global University
Adriana Pérez-Encinas
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Digital technologies for social transformation: a case of Nepal

Room 3: AI, machine learning, digital literacy, personalized learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mousumi Mukherjee
O.P. Jindal Global University
Pitambar Paudel
NELTA, Nepal

Hired by artificial intelligence: digital inclusion practices for people with disabilities

Room 3: AI, machine learning, digital literacy, personalized learning
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mousumi Mukherjee
O.P. Jindal Global University
Nacheva Radka
University of Economics – Varna

Educational collaboration and internationalization in China: a case of sino-foreign cooperative institutions

Room 2: Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mª José M. Patino
Marcia Sun
Oklahoma State University, USA

Educational collaboration and internationalization in China: a case of sino-foreign cooperative institutions. Questions

Room 2: Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mª José M. Patino
Marcia Sun
Oklahoma State University, USA

Virtual visual art integration and biology: more favor or challenges for emergent bi/multilingual high schoolers

Room 3 : Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Ourania Katsara
University of Patras, Greece
Sahar Aghasafari
University of South Carolina Lancaster, USA

Unintended consequences of internationalization: implications for practice

Room 3 : Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Ourania Katsara
University of Patras, Greece
Rosalind Raby
California State University, Northridge, USA

Intercultural awareness in higher education: international students' perspective

Room 3 : Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Ourania Katsara
University of Patras, Greece
Merab Mushfiq
York University, Canada

Intercultural awareness and globalization. Questions

Room 3 : Intercultural awareness and globalization
9 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Ourania Katsara
University of Patras, Greece
Sahar Aghasafari
University of South Carolina Lancaster, USA
Rosalind Raby
California State University, Northridge, USA
Merab Mushfiq
York University, Canada

Onsite Program

The High Price of a Good Thing: A Reflection on the Costs of Ethical Evaluation of Science

10 de out. de 2023
Manuel Curado
University of Minho

Internationalization strategies based on mutuality

10 de out. de 2023
Pilar Mendoza
University of Missouri

Internationalization strategies based on mutuality. Questions

10 de out. de 2023

Quick introduction to IA and its challenges

10 de out. de 2023
Pablo Méndez

Closing ceremony

10 de out. de 2023
Krishna Bista
Senior Executive Vice President and Head, STAR Scholars
Jaime Aneiros Pereira
Concelleiro de Orzamentos e Facenda, Concello de Vigo
Elena de Prada
Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa, Francesa e Alemana , Universidade de Vigo

Research Presentations

Access, Equity and Inclusiveness in Indian Higher Education through Online Learning: The Road Ahead

10 de out. de 2023
Ritimoni Bordoloi
Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, India

El cambio climático en el mundo: desarrollo de competencias globales a partir de un proyecto transmedia

10 de out. de 2023
Marina Falasca
INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

Promoting international cooperation in online postgraduate programs to Higher educational institutions in disadvantaged countries

10 de out. de 2023
Ranwa Khorsheed
Arab international university, Syria

Confi-arte: the development of critical citizenship skills through and by the arts

10 de out. de 2023
Rita Basílio
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

TIC-TAC-TEP: propuesta pedagógica para la formación de formadores y su validación en diversos contextos de educación superior

10 de out. de 2023
Ricardo Ixén Sipac
Instituto CRIIA, Guatemala

How to educate in the values of diversity and tolerance: teaching political ideologies from a pluralist perspective .

10 de out. de 2023
Elena Rosalía Rodríguez Fontenla
Universidade de Vigo, España

Exploring the Relationship of underrepresented students with machine learning and artifical intelligence

18 de out. de 2023

Online program

Writing for Publication in Journals and Books: Tips and Tricks from the STAR Scholars Network

Room 1: Internationalization and communication
10 de out. de 2023
Roy Y. Chan
Lee University, USA

La lingüística y la inteligencia artificial

Room 2: AI, machine learning, digital literacy, personalized learning
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Miguel Cuevas Alonso
Coordinador do Laboratorio de Linguaxe e Cognición , Universidade de Vigo
Cristina Bleortu
Universität Zürich, Suiza
Miriam Villazón Valbuena
University of Riverside (California)
Covandonga Lamar Prieto
University of Riverside (California)

Transmedia skills for a global world

Room 3: Creativity and innovation
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Ignacio Lema Lewis
Marina Falasca
INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

Book presentations

Room 4
10 de out. de 2023
Bo Zhang
University of Hartford, USA
Sharif Uddin
Morgan Stare University, USA
Mindy Andino
Jenna Mittelmeier

Capacity development needs for college principals: challenges and prospects in current policy discourse in India

Room 1: Institutional leadership
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Marina Falasca
INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina
Neeru Snehi
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration

The mediating effect of corporate social responsibility on the intellectual capital and financial performance relationship

Room 1: Institutional leadership
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Marina Falasca
INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina
Reena Bhattu Babajee
University of Mauritius, Mauritius

Institutional leadership. Questions

Room 1: Institutional leadership
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Marina Falasca
INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina
Reena Bhattu Babajee
University of Mauritius, Mauritius
Neeru Snehi
National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration

What adolescents eat and its relashionship with a sustainable food pattern, the Mediterranean diet

Room 2: Holistic approaches to health
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Ana Catarina Teixeira
Universidade de Vigo, España

Interconnecting teaching spaces with compassion through mindful innovative practices.

Room 2: Holistic approaches to health
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Charru Sharma
University of Delhi, India

Approach to social isolation through a radio program and social network

Room 2: Holistic approaches to health
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Patricio Torres
Psychology, Chile

Holistic approaches to health. Questions

Room 2: Holistic approaches to health
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Natalie Cruz
Charru Sharma
University of Delhi, India
Patricio Torres
Psychology, Chile
Ana Catarina Teixeira
Universidade de Vigo, España

Exploring the Culturally Responsive Experiences of International Doctoral Students in Career Development and Counseling on the U.S. Campuses.

Room 3
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mª José M. Patino
Bo Zhang
University of Hartford, USA

Translanguaging for Equality and Inclusion in Second Language Education: A Peer Review

Room 3
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mª José M. Patino
Akem Ojong
Shane English School, Japan

English language teaching (ELT) policy in multilingual schools in Nepal

Room 3
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Mª José M. Patino
Basanta Kandel
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Internationalization of Higher Education and International Student Mobility to India: A Systematic Literature Review

Room 4
10 de out. de 2023
Shekhar Tokas
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi, IN

Meritocracy: A remedy to addressing social injustices in selecting students to public higher education in Malawi?

Room 4
10 de out. de 2023
Presenta: Brigit Dr Schreiber
Mastano Dzimbiri
Miami University, Oxford OH, USA

The moderating role of Human capital in the FDI-Economic Growth link

Room 4
10 de out. de 2023

Transforming Creativity

Room 1
10 de out. de 2023
Mark Runco
Southern Oregon University, USA

Valedictory session

Room 4
10 de out. de 2023
Chris Glass
Vice-President of STAR Scholars network
Natalie Cruz
Samuel Adeyamo
STAR country director South Africa

Cultural Program

A orixe da nosa lingua guapa - Primavera das Letras

10 de out. de 2023


10 de out. de 2023

Arte Galego

10 de out. de 2023

Artes Universidad

10 de out. de 2023

Aula de Teatro Campus de Ourense

10 de out. de 2023

Cultura Campus Ourense

10 de out. de 2023

Danza de Espadas de Carlos Núñez

10 de out. de 2023

A aula de Teatro do Campus de Ourense

10 de out. de 2023

Instrument Exhibit Carlos Núñez Instruments and Their Continuity in the Galician Musical Tradition

10 de out. de 2023

Rumbo a Vigo

10 de out. de 2023