Interrupción endocrina por aditivos plásticos en erizo de mar, Paracentrotus lividus 1 de out. de 2019

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Interrupción endocrina por aditivos plásticos en erizo de mar, Paracentrotus lividus

Pedro Campoy, a predoctoral Researcher at the Coastal Ecology Group (CIM-UVigo), directed by Ricardo Beiras,present in this lecture of the Café con Sal conference cycle a tool to evaluate the possible endocrine disruption caused by different pollutants resulting for urban wastewater which have been shown to reach relevant concentrations in the marine ecosystems. The tool presented focuses on evaluating the response at the molecular and tissue level in the sea urchin P. lividus during the sexual maturation.
More information at

Pedro Campoy Lopez
Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar, Universidade de Vigo

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