Predicir que alumnos abandonarán os estudos é cuestión de comprobar os exames que fixeron: o caso dun módulo de estatística online 28 de xuño de 2019

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Predicir que alumnos abandonarán os estudos é cuestión de comprobar os exames que fixeron: o caso dun módulo de estatística online

Learning Analytics has been called to improve learning practice by transforming the ways we develop and carry out learning and teaching activities and processes. In the particular context of Higher Education (HE) the pervasive integration of digital technology is influencing both teaching and learning practices, allowing access to new resources, functionality and data. Nowadays, existing online learning environments are used to communicate with students, distribute resources and perform some activities. LASI Spain 2019
Josep Figueroa Cañas
Physics, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

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