Nescent video contest, biological invasions: a good oportunity to study evolution 27 de feb. de 2013
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Nescent video contest, biological invasions: a good oportunity to study evolution
Biological invasions involve the movement of species outside their native area, to different environments in which these species have evolved, and to which had already been adapted. These abrupt changes of environment can represent a good opportunity to study evolutionary processes. This video shows the results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Vigo (Spain) and Coimbra (Portugal) to study the evolution of the breeding system of the invasive species Oxalis pes-caprae outside its native distribution range.
Divulgare. Canal de Divulgación. Grupo de Investigación de Ecoloxía e Evolución de Plantas da Universidade de Vigo.
DIVULGARE - Canal de Divulgación
Universidade de Vigo
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