Audiovisual Translation and Its Major Challenges. Parts I-II 5 de maio de 2011

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Audiovisual Translation and Its Major Challenges. Parts I-II

Part I: Working for a Film Translation Company | Part II: New Challenges and Trends in the Field of AVT

This presentation focuses on problems and challenges related to the field of AVT and working as a freelance subber for a film translation company, local either in your own country or abroad. The translators working for ECI London do often have professional education (in addition to their language education), excellent languages skills (thorough knowledge of the other language(s), including grammar, vocabulary etc.), are well-read and in touch with latest cultural/economic etc. developments, they are proficient in IT systems. The new challenges in the field of AVT include working to very tight deadlines. (as a subber you have about 3 days to translate a film and proofreaders often have to do it in one day), more and more general (culture/economy/film/social issues) knowledge being required from the translator, good listening comprehension skills – being in touch with everyday language, familiarity with fast changing and developing language varieties (British English wil be very differente to American English) more and more specialist knowledge being required (IT issues, including operating the software, managing ftp transfers, playing with your OS’s settings and setting all the parameters in SWIFT or EDIE correctly, which is actually quite a demanding task), then flexibility/working long hours/good time management skills, good team working skills/resistance to stress or criticism, working in a broadband Internet environment. Pilulas T&P
Andrzej Antoszek
Profesor do Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada da Universidade Maria Curie de Lublin e do Departamento de Inglés da Universidade Católica de Lublin, Investigador colaborador do Grupo de Investigación T&P

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