Rewriting and Paratranslating History in the Creation of Etiological Myths 26 de maio de 2010

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Rewriting and Paratranslating History in the Creation of Etiological Myths

This T&P Pill has been recorded and web-edited for presentation at the7th International Conference on Translation: Paratextual Elements in Translation. The Galician translation of the Irish text Leabhar Gabhala, published at the begining of the 20th century, meant for the nationalist movement the ultimate evidence of the idiosyncrasy of Galicia and its people. According to this narration, Irish Celts descend from the Celtic Galician tribes. The history, stories, traditions and characters in this text were later manipulated so as to make them fit into the objectives of a nationalist movement that was gaining strength at the turn of the century. After a process of paratranslation, one of the secondary characters in Leabhar Gabhala becomes the founder of Galicia and embodiment of the nationalist movement. Pilulas T&P
Alberto Álvarez Lugrís
Profesor Titular do Departamento de Tradución e Lingüística, Investigador Colaborador do Grupo de Investigación TyP

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